Travelling on dialysis
Dialysis does not have to prevent you from travelling. Here you can learn more about the arrangements you will need to make in order to undergo dialysis safely while you’re away from home.

For many chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, remaining mobile and able to travel is an important part of maintaining independence. You may need to travel for work or family commitments or want to travel simply because you enjoy it - and while travelling on dialysis may require special arrangements, you may still fulfil your travel wishes.

Can dialysis patients travel?
Yes, it is possible for most dialysis patients to travel and to continue their treatment while being away from home. Your clinician may even encourage you to travel, if you are able, because of the emotional boost it can give you. It is important that you talk to your clinician before you make any specific travel plans so that they can advise you about how to travel safely and help you make arrangements for staying on your treatment schedule while you’re away.

Can patients waiting for transplants travel?
Yes, it is also possible to travel while you are active on a transplant waitlist. However, you do need to inform your transplant co-ordinator about your travel plans. They will be able to advise you about whether you will be able to return home from your trip quickly enough to accept a kidney, if one becomes available while you’re away. Otherwise, you can also choose to be “on hold” during the time that you’re travelling. It is important to get accurate information about how this process works for the specific waitlist that you are on, so be proactive about seeking the answers to these questions before you make any plans to leave home.

Travelling while on PD
Because peritoneal dialysis patients can frequently have their supplies delivered to their travel destination, they often only need to bring their cycler, if they are on automated peritoneal dialysis (APD). This means that it is typically easier to travel on PD than other types of dialysis. However, you still need to plan ahead of time on how you will pack and transport everything you need for treatment, or plan for delivery of treatment products.

Travelling while on home HD
Most home haemodialysis patients will need to arrange in advance to get in-centre treatment at a centre close to their travel destination. Your hospital may have a travel co-ordinator that can help you make these plans, so speak to your healthcare team about getting the support you need. Also make sure you carry any medical information you will need to be able to receive treatment on your trip.

Travelling while on in-centre HD
If you’re receiving in-centre haemodialysis treatments, you need to arrange in advance to be treated at a centre close to your destination. Most centres are experienced in co-ordinating treatments for travelling patients, so be sure to ask your healthcare team whether there is someone at your centre who can help you. Please consider that most HD centres are busy and this may limit your ability to find a dialysis centre who can accommodate you close to where you wish to travel to.
How to live well with dialysis?

Talking about dialysis
The support and advice of your loved ones may help you gain a new and valuable perspective on what you are experiencing. Learn more about talking about your condition.

Mental health and kidney disease
Sharing your emotions is essential to preserve your mental and physical health while living with dialysis. Learn more about mental health and kidney disease.

Sexuality and kidney disease
It is possible for you to maintain intimate relationships while you’re on dialysis. Learn more about sexuality and dialysis.